Work Together! Dems – Repubs Work Together!

        Please rest assured that none of these actions for and on behalf of the illegal immigrant, America, the American economy, or anyone hoping to benefit by “fixing a broken INS system” is not, and unfortunately will never become a part of a responsible Department of Homeland Security as long as there is no coherent direction, as well as, shoddy management and leadership.

        America today is faced with perhaps the most unethical and demagoguery nation known in history. Whenever the power of one particular branch of government is countermanded by “executive order” then what does it matter the way the United States was founded upon?

        The answer my friends is that when the notion of separation of powers (i.e., executive, congressional, and judicial branches) are just flatly ignored, and the president has made it known that by the stroke of his almighty pen via executive action he has the power to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens we ask: what does that have to do with the founding of the United States?

        Furthermore, as long as we have die-hard liberals in places of leadership and management the security of our nation will never be as secure as it could and should be. Examples of this are seen with the LGBT community vis-a-vie the American United Families Act, the complete and utter reckless disregard for previous concerns with allowing those unfortunate folks afflicted with the HIV-AIDS virus, and other means of terrorists getting into and staying in this country as long as they please.

        As long as there is no effective means of safeguarding the temporary visas for holiday, education, or visiting then the USA remains even more vulnerable now than pre-9/11 life.

        A letter signed by 22 Senate Democrats asks President Barack Obama to use his executive authority to prevent deportation of young people who would have benefited from the DREAM Act, a bill that failed in the upper chamber last year. The legislation would have allowed undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. as children to stay, provided they kept a clean record and either enrolled in college or joined the military.

       Why, please tell us why are they asking the president?

About J.Paul

Academia, Constitution, Musicianship, all around Caucasian male, straight, and professes Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life. Guitars -- Classical, Acoustic, A/E, Strat, a real bassist at heart, Les Paul Standard bass.
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