Democrat’s Give Impression that They are Working

Well it is about time! Finally after a good three years the Democrats have offered some kind of talking points paper that illicit what they would like to see happen with immigration reform. Is it realistic? We don’t think so. Is it fair? Again, no we don’t think so unless one is undocumented and is looking for some type of amnesty bill.
         Although Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), along with bill author Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and co-sponsor Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), acknowledged the tough odds of getting immigration reform through the Senate – much less a Republican-controlled House – they said it was important to offer a “vehicle.”
        This in and of itself has been the long problem of Democrat Party politics; what they do, is offer up some think-tank load of pure unadulterated dung. They have to realize that, given their track record and how they get things done in Washington is via corruption, bribery, and ethics violations simply isn’t the agenda anymore.
        Where we’re coming from is when the good ol’ boys and girls sit down, with a common goal, and discuss, debate what it will take to get to an agreement on what objectives should be used to accomplish the original goal. Some call it negotiations, others call it getting it done, and still others refer to it as a done deal.
        However, the problem as we see it – is that both political parties – assume that their version is right without even providing a “white paper” for the others’ to see. Excuse us but this is not only rude business tactics, but it reeks of corruption to boot. Anytime that someone attempts to get one over on the next person, there in black, gray, and red is the forerunner to dishonest business.
        Now in defense of the Republican Party members who have in fact produced – in writing what they believe is equitable – is a great start toward making in-roads to immigration reform. However, although the Democrats have come out vis-a-vie announcements based on what they’d like to see happen is not really negotiating at all, correct?
        Finally if individuals believe that “a vehicle” is needed to inform your opponents of the demands or usurpations sought by your party the ONLY way you’ll get what you’ve ask for is conferring with those who have a hand in the overall say of the issue.

About J.Paul

Academia, Constitution, Musicianship, all around Caucasian male, straight, and professes Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life. Guitars -- Classical, Acoustic, A/E, Strat, a real bassist at heart, Les Paul Standard bass.
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2 Responses to Democrat’s Give Impression that They are Working

  1. Jon-Paul says:

    You are so right with your assessment! Moreover, the way you wrote it, I was immediately reminded of the Founding Era; where they didn’t have “Ethics Committees” and the lot to continually try and get over on. Reminds me of reading a short narrative on Gen. Robert E. Lee’s father (of course from the Elite, very upper class $$ families) although what he had to say was from Debtor’s Prison serving a rather long sentence for debts and bankruptcy.


  2. All politicians lie. Their betrayals should be rewarded with the fruit of their “labor”. That used to mean prison sentences for fraud, racketeering, extortion and murder. The activities of the Federal corporation are clearly organized crime.


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